
Energy efficiency and reduced emissions are the main elements on the way to zero emission. Merchant vessels will benefit from Brunvolls wide range of propulsion systems designed for optimum efficiency to the actual vessel.

Energy efficient propulsion system improves the CII score

Merchant vessels will benefit from Brunvolls wide range of propulsion systems designed for optimum efficiency.

Brunvoll has extensive knowledge and experience from deliveries of propulsion, manoeuvring and control & automation systems to hundreds of advanced vessels.

Our extensive in-house R&D resources are dedicated to continuous refinement of the concepts offered to ensure deliveries that live up to the highest standards of reliability, efficiency and sustainability.

One supplier of complete propellers, thrusters and control & automation systems

Experience, competence and a wide range of propulsion and manoeuvring make up an extensive range of customized configurations for the specific vessel.

Propeller systems designed for the actual vessel, as well as the entire thruster package from one supplier, is easy for the shipyard during building and for the shipowner during operation. Smooth operation and optimum uptime is the target for all parties - supplier included.

Trusted world wide

In Brunvoll we aim to be second to none with our capability and abilities to render technical after sales services at any location in the world at any time

CRP system - unique propeller efficiency

CRP - Contra Rotating Propeller System is a complete propulsion system with high energy efficiency. The Brunvoll CRP is a configuration with propellers, shaft-in-shaft system, reduction gearbox with two electric motors. The gearbox allows for use of standard el.motors, which give a cost-efficient solution with less weight to the system.

CRP Propulsion system is ideal for vessels where transit operation mode constitutes a major part of the service profile

“Potential savings of CRP are assessed to be in the order of 6–20% of the power consumption with an average of 13%"

Source: European Commission - ECOFYS. Study on energy efficiency technologies for ships

Configuration flexibility with twin-in single out gearbox

The gearbox can be the heart in the system configuration serving power to propellers or main switchboard for other consumers. A twin-in single-out gearbox allows for connection of several motors or drives, and offers a valuable flexibility.

CPP 2-stroke Diesel-Mechanical Propulsion

A CPP 2-stroke diesel mechanical system is a reliable, robust and maintenance friendly configuration with high fuel efficiency. The smooth operation and flexibility with the CP-propeller and the complete configuration of thrusters offer unmatched manoeuvring capabilities and safe operation of the vessel.

All systems are customized for the particular vessel. Stringent safety regulations and environmental concerns are in focus when designing a system for any type of ship to ensure cost efficiency and reliability.

Diesel/Gas Electric Battery Hybrid Propulsion

A hybrid propulsion system based on diesel/gas electric and batteries is an ideal system to meet the wide variety in operation modes. Operation flexibility from an efficient propulsion system, unmatched manoeuvring capabilities, and high redundancy are essential to ensure safe operation of the vessel.

A fully diesel-electric propulsion system can be powered by generator sets, driven by diesel or dual-fuel engines, or from the installed battery package. The batteries ensure a dynamic system with possibilities for electric running mode powered by batteries, for peak shaving, and in general increased system redundancy. A diesel-electric-battery hybrid system can also lower the running hours of the power machinery and reduce maintenance cost.

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Per Endre Woldsund

Sales Manager, Brunvoll Volda AS

+47 905 72 814

Anders Ulvestad

VP Sales, Brunvoll AS

+47 975 88 706

Joar Heggset

Sales Manager, Brunvoll AS

+47 916 30 640

Kirsti Gjørvad

Senior Sales Manager, Brunvoll Volda AS

+47 916 29 430

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