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  • Beyond Compliance: Brunvoll’s Drive to Exceed Industry Work Environment Standards

Beyond Compliance: Brunvoll’s Drive to Exceed Industry Work Environment Standards

The UN’s sustainability goal # 8: “Well-being at work” is one of Brunvoll’s focus areas, and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) work is an essential part of this.

We want to create a safe and positive work environment, both physically and psychosocially. This implies proactively identifying potential hazards, and we take measures to mitigate or eliminate them. We continuously strive to improve working conditions and uncover areas where better training or additional equipment is needed. Having the necessary competence and resources to create a health-promoting and injury-preventing work environment tailored to the various positions and work situations at Brunvoll is essential to us.

We achieve a good work environment by:

Involving - We involve employees at all organisational levels in our work environment efforts. We actively communicate work environment issues with our customers, employees, union representatives and subcontractors.

Planning - We create a safer and more predictable work environment by planning and maintaining good order and routines. We consider the work environment through risk assessment, planning, and implementation in cooperation with the safety organisation.

Continuous improvement - Our work environment efforts are integrated and systematic with constant improvements. We set clear goals, open up for suggestions for improvement, follow up, and provide feedback to achieve high performance. We continuously measure and evaluate our work environment results.

Employee ownership – All Brunvoll employees are responsible for collaboration, implementation, engagement and results. We contribute to creating, developing, and maintaining a good work environment

We aim to meet or exceed industry standards and the requirements of law, agreements, and authorities.

Improvements made to the Brunvoll working environment in 2023

In Molde, we carried out noise mapping and informed relevant employees about the results. We arranged a course on preventing unnecessary noise and noise-related injuries and taught the proper use of hearing protection.

We also held an ergonomics course because many tasks in our factory involve challenging ergonomic factors. There can be a lot of static work, lifts and handling of heavy items, and a focus on correct work technique and proper lifting equipment is of utmost importance. We reminded everyone how to use safety gloves to correctly avoid cut injuries.

In Volda, we have improved extraction from some machines and welding areas to improve the indoor climate. We held a comprehensive risk assessment with corresponding measures (training and improved protective equipment) of heat-work processes and the machining department. We also renovated the cafeteria, making it a much more pleasant area for lunch breaks. In addition to this, we conduct employee pulse surveys every month.

Oskar Solhjell Ølander is Team Leader in the Assembly Department in Molde and one of our employee safety representatives.

“In 2023, we had a lot of focus on noise and noise prevention. We did noise mapping and provided some employees with new types of hearing protection in areas with high noise exposure. We also installed sound-dampening mats in areas for hydraulics and grinding, which has greatly improved the noise levels,” Oskar explains.

We asked him what his responsibilities as an employee safety representative entail.

“It’s not a lot of extra work, really. I remind my colleagues to keep HSE routines in mind, that they need to be mindful of what they do and how they perform their tasks from an HSE perspective. Most of it is common sense. I do keep an extra eye on new hires and apprentices since they are not as seasoned as our more experienced employees, and I make sure that everyone knows where the meeting points, fire extinguishers, and emergency buttons are. If someone notifies me of a problem or suggests an improvement, I pass it on to my foreman or our HSE Manager. We take HSE work very seriously, and HSE improvements are highly prioritised at Brunvoll.”

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